An expanded Farmers Market starts up in June!
Our hard-working Farmers Market Committee is preparing for a longer and bigger market this year. Starting on June 16 and running straight through to September 15, the market will be held every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. adjacent to the Enderis Park Field House. An expanded group of vendors includes returning favorites such as:
Vang Sisters Hot Food,
Happy Destiny Farm,
NOLA Sweets,
That Salsa Lady,
Pete's Pops,
Mai Doua Vang Flowers,
Sandy Yang produce, and
Big Yellow Farmhouse. They will be here for most of the markets.
New vendors include:
Be Gluten Free with Me -- a local vendor selling home-baked, gluten-free goods.
OMJ Gardens from New Berlin - selling heirloom vegetables, honey, hive products, flowers, plant starts, pollinator plants, and doll quilts later in the season
JBC Pottery - a half-season vendor selling ceramic vessels
Bear's Bakery - a half-season vendor selling homemade dog treats and some cat treats
Sauce King - selling hot sauces, wing sauces and other food sauces and seasonings. And when the weather cools: body butters and beard oils.
Maggio's Wood-Fired Pizza -selling pizza, cheese bread, gluten-free breadsticks, water, sparkling water, and soda.
Additional vendors would be welcome. (For example, does anyone know someone who sells homemade cheese?) More volunteers are also needed."It's going to be a long, wonderful season and the committee could use more help," says Linda Tanner, who co-chairs the committee with Celeste Hallisey. To sign up for volunteer slots, offer suggestions or ask questions, email: EnderisParkFarmersMarket@gmail.com
Bloom and Groom Plant Sale will be here soon.
Saturday, May 18
9:00* to 11:00 a.m. at the park
EPNA and the City of Milwaukee's Neighborhood Improvement District (NIDC) will again be bringing this popular plant sale to EPNA members and friends.
A wide assortment of high-quality annual flowers as well as tomato plants -- all from Minor's Garden Center -- will be available at very attractive prices. Prices for EPNA members and the somewhat higher non-member prices are shown below. They have not changed since last year and are about 25% -30% below typical in-store retail prices.
[Note: If you are not a current EPNA member, you can join at the sale to receive the member discount. By becoming a member, you will help support all the neighborhood events sponsored by EPNA. Annual membership dues are $25.]
Annual flowers (snapdragons, coleus, petunias, portulaca, dianthus, begonias, marigolds, impatiens): Members $1.50 per 4 pack; Non-members $2.00 per 4 pack
Wave petunias: Members $1.50 per plant; Non-members $2.00 per plant
Geraniums: Members $4.50 per plant; Non-members $5.50 per plant
Hanging baskets (petunias or impatiens): Members $12.00 per basket; Non-members $15.00 per basket. Limit of 2 baskets per customer until 10:30 a.m.
Tomatoes: Members $1.50 per plant; Non-members $2.00 per plant
Plants will be sold on a first come, first served basis.
*No sales prior to 9:00 am.Cash, check or credit cards accepted.
THANK YOU, EPNA sponsors, for funding the 2024 series of 'Concerts on the Green'!
Our summer concert series, now in its 19th year, returns on June 20. For four Thursdays in June, July and August, the park will be filled with music from 6 to 9 p.m. Bring your lawn chair, cooler, neighbors and friends to enjoy this year's stellar line-up.
For information on the performers, visit https://www.enderispark.org/concerts-on-the-green.This impressive lineup would not be possible without our generous sponsors. Please try to support these sponsors and thank them for funding Concerts on the Green and all our other EPNA events.
Headline Sponsors
Focus Credit Union
Gold Sponsors
Bunzel’s Meat Market
EnderisParkHomes.com -- Cheri Kent
Laura Ashley State Farm Agency
PNC Bank
LUMIN Schools-Pilgrim Lutheran
Metcalfe’s Market
Silver Sponsors
Blamer’s Auto Repair
Imprint Digital Printing & Design
Lisbon Storm, Screen & Door
Lutheran Home & Harwood Place
Design Vision Optical
Drunken Cobra Bar & Grill
Bronze Sponsors
Play It Again Sports (Brookfield)
Walter’s on North
Tosa Yoga Center
St. Camillus Life Plan Community
Premier Eyes
Mother of Good Counsel Church & School
Thanks to the generosity of Sprecher Brewing, we will again have root beer floats available for purchase. Thanks to the generosity of Joy Ice Cream Social, we will be serving FREE Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream.
Here’s your chance to 're-home' stuff that's just taking up space.
EPNA annual rummage sale
Saturday June 8
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Our annual rummage sale is another great neighborhood tradition. The more participants, the better -- anyone can put out goods for sale. But if you're interested in advertising your merchandise to attract more buyers, click on Enderis Park Rummage Sale to list what you’ll be selling. Please submit the form by Monday June 3.
The list of participating addresses and items for sale will be emailed to EPNA members and posted on Nextdoor and Facebook. Lists will also be distributed to participant homes by June 7. PLEASE MAKE AVAILABLE TO RUMMAGERS THE LIST OF PARTICIPATING HOMES.
Questions? Contact Lori Sommervold at jodis754@aol.com or 414-445-8742
Take advantage of 'Dumpster Day' to clean up and clear out.
Saturday, June 15
10:00am to 4:00pm
EPNA has arranged with the City of Milwaukee Sanitation Services to provide a dumpster for our neighborhood cleanup efforts. Use of the dumpster is limited to disposal of unwanted items by Enderis Park residents as part of the EPNA cleanup effort. It will be located at 71st and Locust.
The following items CANNOT be placed in the containers:
Construction debris (lumber, concrete, dirt)
Building Materials (roofing, drywall, tiles, paint, etc.) ·
Hazardous Waste (paint thinner, pesticides, used motor oil, etc.) ·
Large appliances (refrigerators, stoves, washers, etc.) ·
Yard waste (tree branches, brush, leaves, grass, and garden debris) ·
Recyclables Electronics (TV's, stereos, computers, printers, DVD players, etc.).
Join us for a neighborly Independence Day morning.
Mark your calendar to join us for our Fourth of July Celebration sponsored by the City of Milwaukee and the Enderis Park and Cooper Park neighborhood associations. Even better, volunteer to help us put on this grand morning of traditional Independence Day merriment if you can! Here's the plan and the list of volunteer assignments we're looking to fill:
8:30 am: Parade registration.
8:45 am: Parade begins and proceeds throughout Enderis Park. Participant entry judging.
9:30 am: Welcome and flag ceremony
9:45 am: American trivia contest
10 am – 12:00pm: Music, carnival games, arts and crafts activities and contests. Food and beverages available for purchase. Milwaukee Police Department District 7 squad car tours and Safe and Sound program information and table display.
11 am: Parade winners announced, trophies awarded.
11:30 am: Milwaukee Fire Department water cannon display and chance to cool down!
We'll have free ice cream and American flags courtesy of the City of Milwaukee. Hot dogs, brats, chips, water and soda will be available for purchase.VOLUNTEERS ARE THE HEART AND SOUL OF EVERY EPNA EVENT! Volunteers are needed and welcome as:
Grillers (4)
Parade judges (4)
Food ticket sellers (4)
Leaders for carnival games (10)
Food servers (3)
Masters of Ceremonies and announcers (3)
Please volunteer for all or part of the event if you can and help make this the best 4th of July ever!!! Contact enderisvolunteers@gmail.com
Wading pool will open June 20
Kids ages eight and under can make a splash at the Enderis Park wading pool starting June 20. The pool will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. It will be closed on July 4.
The Enderis Park Neighborhood Association promotes neighborhood stability and a rewarding quality of life for all by working with neighbors to support and maintain an attractive, diverse, respectful and safe community.
Our mailing address is:
epna.paty@gmail.com or EPNA | PO Box 100284 | Milwaukee, WI 53210