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Harvest Fest: Great fun + bargains


Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Saturday October 1 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Enderis Park Play Field Here's what's in store:

Pumpkin and gourd sale Celebrate the fall season and dress up your home and our neighborhood with beautiful mums and pumpkins.Thanks to a partnership with the City of Milwaukee Neighborhood Improvement Development Corporation's Community Improvement Project, we are able to sell these beautiful items from Minor's Garden Center at below-market prices:

1 gallon mums -- $5.00 for members, $6.00 for non-members 2 gallon mums -- $8.00 members, $9.00 non-members Beachball pumpkins -- $5.00 members, $6.00 non-members Volleyball pumpkins -- $2.00 members, $3.00 non-members Colors: 1 gallon mums in white, red, yellow, purple, orange, dark pink, and light pink 2 gallon mums in tricolor, white, yellow, orange and red Be sure to come early! They’ll go fast!! CASH OR CHECK ONLY. Build a scarecrow Bring old clothes (shirt, hat, pants, shoes….use your imagination!!) and a pillow case or pantyhose for the head. We'll provide the straw, twine, glue and markers. Create your own porch sitter!! Arts and craft project and treats for kids! Guest storytellers reading some of your favorite children's books. Delicious brunch menu available for purchase from the Food Truck by Pietro Balisteri of B B’s Pizza Family photo op Bring your camera and take your family’s picture in a fall setting created for you. Live music provided by Enderis Park's own John Krupka A chance to share your love and warmth Bring new or gently used children’s books for the very popular Enderis Park Free Little Library. Bring new or gently used winter coats, hats, scarves and mittens. EPNA will donate them to local schools. Volunteers Needed! Sound like fun? We welcome any and all volunteers! Help for all or part of the event. Assist with the mum and pumpkin sales, arts and crafts or Build-a-Scarecrow. Interested? Call Pat Yahle (414) 258-9676 or Sandy Szymkowski (414) 771-5406. ...and don’t forget to MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the Enderis Park Neighborhood Trick or Treat from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday October 28.



Our Mission

The Enderis Park Neighborhood Association (EPNA) promotes neighborhood stability and a rewarding quality of life for all by working with neighbors to support and maintain an attractive, diverse, respectful and safe community.

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P.O. Box 100284
Milwaukee, WI 53210
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