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EPNA Summer 2021 Newsletter

Updated: Apr 11, 2023


Enderis Park is an MPS Playfield, managed by the Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS). A few of the requirements and rules for use of the Playfield facilities differ from those of other City and/or Milwaukee County Parks. One such difference is the prohibition of alcoholic beverages and grilling on Enderis Park Playfield and other Milwaukee Public Playfields. Whether falling under the management of the Milwaukee Public Schools, the City of Milwaukee or Milwaukee County, ALL public and private gatherings must comply with the City of Milwaukee Health Department Public Health Plan Orders for Covid-19 Mitigation. The Enderis Park Neighborhood Association has worked with the MPS Recreation Department to plan activities that adhere to both the MPS Playfield rules and regulations and follow the City of Milwaukee Health Department Covid-19 Mitigation requirements for public gatherings where applicable, in the following general areas: 1. Physical distancing (6 feet between individuals not residing in a single living unit or household) 2. Protective measures (properly fitting face masks and hand washing requirements - soap and water for 20 seconds or hand sanitizer) 3. Gathering size limits (outdoors and indoors including use of the field house and bathroom facilities based on set space standard requirements) *An MPS attendant must be present to open and close the fieldhouse and bathrooms. Bathrooms only allow 1 individual or 1 family at a time and must be sanitized every half hour. 4. Food and beverage safety (food or beverage offerings to be provided as individual meals, plated or offered in prepackaged boxes or bags) As the Health Department Plan Orders change, the EPNA activities may be further modified. We look forward to the time when life will return to normal and we will be able to offer all of our favorite EPNA activities! So on that note, mark your calendars for these events that we have planned: Bloom & Groom Plant Sale: Saturday, May 15 Rummage Sale: Saturday, June 5 Roving Concerts on the Green (see info below): Dates TBA Tentative Farmers’ Market: Mid-summer to early fall (Dates TBA, pending MPS use of park) Tentative 4th of July Celebration: Sunday, July 4 (pending City of Milwaukee and MPS use of park) Tentative Harvest Fest: Sunday, October 24 (pending MPS use of park) Nighttime Trick or Treat: Friday, October 29 Decorated Pumpkin Contest: Friday, October 29 Halloween Yard Decorating Contest: Friday, October 29 (judging) Check Newsletter, Facebook, Nextdoor and for FUTURE announcements and details regarding events. If you are interested in volunteering for any of these events or would like to see other events/activities, please email me with your contact information at . We’ll contact you with more information and details regarding the events. Also, watch for detailed descriptions of volunteer opportunities coming soon on our website.

Bloom & Groom Plant Sale is BACK! Saturday, May 15, 2021

⭐️⭐️New LOCATION! ⭐️⭐️

SENTRY FOODS ON 71st and Lisbon 8:30am* to 11:00am

EPNA and the City of Milwaukee's Neighborhood Improvement District (NIDC) will again be bringing this popular plant sale to EPNA members** and friends on Saturday, May 15, 2021. The sale will feature annuals, perennials, vegetables and hanging baskets.

The goal of Bloom & Groom is to promote neighborhood beautification by encouraging neighbors to purchase these high-quality plants and vegetables at a very reasonable price. By planting these attractive plants in our yards and flower boxes, we create beautiful streetscapes and enhance the beauty of each participating residence and our neighborhood.

*No sales prior to 8:30 AM **Current EPNA Members will receive a 10% Discount


With the uncertainty surrounding the safe** use of Enderis Park, the challenges of securing funding, and the timing required to plan our events we regret to say that there will not be concerts in Enderis Park this summer. However, the Concerts on the Green planning committee is committed to bringing live music to the Enderis Park Neighborhood. While it is too soon to provide details, you can expect to see roving bands playing throughout the neighborhood on two dates, likely one in July and one in August.

** including monitoring social distancing, enforcing mask mandates, and limiting use of the bathroom

(photo provided as an example)

We’ll keep you posted with updates and when the time comes you’ll want to fill a cooler, grab a lawn chair, and light the grill because the music will be coming to you.

ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, June 5 from 8:00am to 3:00pm

If interested in advertising your goods, please submit 2021 EPNA Rummage Sale by Sunday May 30, 2021.

The list of participants and items for sale will be posted on Nextdoor, Facebook and emailed to EPNA members. Lists will also be distributed to participant homes by June 4. Questions? Contact Lori Sommervold at or 414-445-8742.

4th of JULY ACTIVITIES IN THE PARK On Hold Due to continued uncertainty regarding the COVID pandemic, the City of Milwaukee has not provided any information regarding any city of Milwaukee 4th of July activities. The City sponsors/funds this event. We also need to work with MPS regarding use of the playfield for any outdoor activities. We will keep you posted when we hear anything from the City.


The Neighborhood Sign Project is finally happening! For the last year or so EPNA has been working with the City on plans to install new pole-mounted metal signs that display our iconic Enderis Park logo (‘The Magic Grove’). The new signs will replace the neighborhood’s existing pole signs. Additional signs will also be installed in sections of the neighborhood where there are currently no or very few existing signs. Unfortunately, the City denied our request to mount larger signs, similar to Wauwatosa.

Due to numerous complications and delays resulting primarily from the COVID pandemic, this project has taken much longer to come together than originally anticipated. But finally, all the pieces are in place. The City’s Neighborhood Improvement Development Corporation (NIDC) has approved a matching grant that covers half the project cost. The Milwaukee Public Works Department has approved our proposed sign locations and will be installing the signs. Assuming all goes as now planned, the signs should be in place by the beginning of May.

The old signs will be kept and made available for purchase by neighbors. Stay posted for a future announcement regarding the sale.


The greatest asset and strength of the Enderis Park Neighborhood Association is its many dedicated volunteers: friends, neighbors, and businesses who give so generously of their time and resources to plan and bring together the many wonderful events and improvement projects for all to enjoy. To all of those who give many hours or even just a few hours, we thank you for helping make Enderis Park one of the greatest neighborhoods in which to live. The EPNA Board recognizes and appreciates all the efforts of all of our volunteers. The EPNA “Kathy Grothe Volunteer of the Year Award” recognizes an individual, group, or business whose unselfish and dedicated service to EPNA has made an outstanding contribution to EPNA during the previous year.

You are invited to nominate an individual or business that you believe makes an outstanding contribution. Please complete and submit the nomination form no later than June 20, 2021. Please notify the nominee of your submission. The nominee must accept the nomination prior to submission of the survey. The EPNA Kathy Grothe Volunteer of the Year will be introduced later in the year.

Use this link to access the EPNA Volunteer of the Year survey or contact Lori Sommervold @ 414-445-8742 for a paper survey.

ENDERIS PARK DUMPSTER CLEAN UP ACTIVITY Saturday, July 17, 2021 from 10:00am to 4:00pm

EPNA has arranged with the City of Milwaukee Sanitation Services to provide two dumpsters for our neighborhood cleanup efforts. These boxes are limited for disposal of unwanted items by Enderis Park residents as part of the EPNA cleanup effort. The boxes will be placed at:

  • Locust Street at the South end of Enderis Park on 71st Street

  • 72nd and Locust

(The city does not allow the dumpsters to be placed together) The following items CANNOT be placed in the containers:

  • Tires

  • Construction debris (lumber, concrete, dirt)

  • Building Materials (roofing, drywall, tiles, paint, etc.)

  • Hazardous Waste (paint thinner, pesticides, used motor oil, etc.)

  • Large Appliances (refrigerators, stoves, washers, etc.)

  • Yard Waste (tree branches, brush, leaves, grass, and garden debris)

  • Recyclables

  • Electronics (TV's, stereos, computers, printers, DVD players, etc.)

* The boxes will be monitored and illegal dumping with be reported to the Milwaukee Police Department. * Hazardous Waste must be dropped off at one of the MILWAUKEE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DROP- OFF CENTERS (Find the locations on-line at city of * PLEASE NOTE: Donation Opportunities: Many Milwaukee shelters and organizations accept new and gently-used donations of clothing, shoes, home goods, furnishings, building materials and other items. Some organizations also offer pick up services.


According to the EPNA Bylaws Article V1- Section 6:2, nominations for Board membership are made at the June Meeting of the Association (June 2, 2021 at 6:00pm), or in writing received by the Association Secretary (Lori Sommervold prior to the meeting. Election of Board members takes place at the July Annual Meeting (July 28, 2021 at 6:00pm).

If you are interested in the decision-making processes affecting our neighborhood, please consider joining the Board.

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